Since 2022: consulting developer, IBM France
Design and developement of cloud services
- Company
- IBM Consulting France
2020-2022: Starting Research Position (SRP), Inria Saclay (France)
Abstractions of influence networks
- Group
- Lifeware
- Institute
- Inria Saclay - Île-de-France
2019-2020: Visiting Scientist, FU Berlin (Germany)
Trapspaces in buffered networks
- Group
- Discrete Biomathematics
- University
- Freie Universität Berlin
2017-2019: Researcher, IBENS (France)
Modelling heterogeneity in immune cells
- Group
- Computational Systems Biology
- Lab
Main results:
- CoLoMoTo notebook: a reproducible integrative platform for qualitative modelling
- In-silico design of reprogramming strategies for Th cells
- Ongoing work on models of T cells and dendritic cells
2015-2017: Postdoc, Université de Montpellier (France)
Signalling networks in cancer progression
- Group
- Biological Physics and Systems Biology
- Lab
- DIMNP (now LPHI - UMR 5235)
- University
- Université de Montpellier
Main results:
- Syk and PTPL1 phosphorylation networks in breast cancer cells
- Timescale-based reduction of quantitative networks
2010-2015: Postdoc Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Genomic regulations in metabolism
- Group
- Béatrice Desvergne (now retired)
- Institute
- Center for Integrative Genomics
- University
- Université de Lausanne
Main results:
- Genome-wide study of nuclear receptors functional interactions in HepaRG cells
- Genome-Wide Analysis of SREBP1 Activity around the Clock in mouse liver cells
- Epigenetics of early aging in mouse adipose tissue
2006-2009: PhD, Université de la méditeranée, Marseille (France)
Logical model of the differentiation of T helper cells - thesis (fr)
- Lab
- University
- Université de la méditerranée
- Supervisers
- Denis Thieffry and Claudine Chaouiya
Main results:
- Formal methods for the reduction and analysis of logical models
- GINsim: a software tool for the definition and analysis of logical models
- Diversity and plasticity of Th cell types predicted from regulatory network modelling
Education, Marseille (France)
- 2006
- MSc in Bioinformatics (BBSG)
- 2004
- MSc in Computer science (DESS Informatique)
- 1999
- DEUG in life sciences
- Languages
- French (native), English (fluent), German (basics)
- Programming
- Fluent in Java and python. Worked with C/C++, Rust, R, javascript, php, bash
- Bioinformatics
- Discrete modeling, graph visualisation, Genomics (microarray, ChIP-seq), Proteomics (SILAC)
- Biology
- Applications to Cell cycle, Immune system, Metabolism, Cancer
- Informatics
- Linux administration, git, SQL, LaTeX, Docbook